Infinity Train is an upcoming American animated series created by former Regular Show writer/storyboard artist Owen Dennis for Cartoon Network. The series follows Tulip and her companion One-One, which is composed by Glad-One and Sad-One, in their journey through a seemingly infinite train with limitless possibilities to find a way to Tulip's home.
The pilot was first released on the Cartoon Network App and VOD on November 1, 2016, and released the following day on the official Cartoon Network YouTube channel. The short garnered a million views within its first month of availability and has since gained 3.4 million views as of April 2018, making it the most viewed pilot on the channel while Welcome to My Life is the second most viewed pilot, and Twelve Forever being the third most viewed pilot.
In March 2018, Cartoon Network's official website launched a teaser site that confirmed the show had been greenlit as a full series, slated for a 2019 premiere.
Video Infinity Train
- Tulip (voiced by Ashley Johnson) is a young girl who has been trapped on the train for about a week when the story begins in medias res without directly explaining how she came to be there. She is trying to make her way through the train in hopes of finding a way off and getting home. She is accompanied by a robot companion she met on the train, One-One.
- One-One is Tulip's robot companion, and is the size and shape of a basketball. One-One is composed of two separate hemisphere-shaped robots (both with contrasting personalities) that can combine to roll around.
- Glad-One (voiced by Jeremy Crutchley) is the utterly exuberant and optimistic part of One-One.
- Sad-One (voiced by Owen Dennis) is the utterly morose and pessimistic part of One-One.
- Atticus (voiced by Ernie Hudson) is the king of the kingdom of Corginia.
Maps Infinity Train
Pilot (2016)
Source of article : Wikipedia